The FEAL EDUWEB is an online self-training educational system aiming at providing training materials, ideas and solutions for how multifunctional farming with respect to the heritage of European Agricultural Landscapes (EALs), can benefit young and family farmers. All information provided is based on research, interviews and case studies from 5 countries: Slovakia, Germany, Italy, Spain and Slovenia. The FEAL EDUWEB helps you to develop and improve knowledge on entrepreneurial opportunities, identifying strengths and weakness, taking initiative and positive attitude towards innovation and change. The FEAL-EDUWEB is available in 7 languages.
Let´s go through the FEAL-EDUWEB!
The Summary Report is an introductory document for the FEAL-EDUWEB. It compiles state of the art reports on the relation between sustainable and multifunctional farming practices and European agricultural landscapes gathered from 5 national reports (Germany, Italy, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain). The report is a basic resource, both for raising awareness about the importance of sustainable and multifunctional farming practices amongst stakeholders and general public, and for providing the user with an introduction to the concept which will be addressed in the other training resources of the FEAL-EDUWEB.
The FEAL Case Studies database contains 28 Case Studies from 5 countries showing best practices of successful business strategies of sustainable and multifunctional farming whilst at the same time maintaining EALs values and quality. Rural entrepreneurs and farmers with different profiles and in different EALs reveal their daily life and struggle. In this way, the Case Studies will serve as example and will help you, who might be in a similar situation, to see how others are managing their landscapes throughout Europe. The Case Studies bring real experiences of farmers that was collected during interviews. They also include photos of farms and the surrounding agricultural landscape, farm location maps and interactive pdfs which will draw the link between the individual farm production and activities and the surrounding EALs.
The E-Atlas on EALs represents the diversity of EALs across Europe. Each farm is located in a particular agricultural landscape. While there are a wide range of different landscapes in Europe, there are also similarities in their natural and/or agricultural environment and partly, their historical genesis. This atlas will help you to understand why some landscape features are valuable and why they are important for the preservation of landscape character. This knowledge might help you to better promote your activities and to transfer landscape added values into financial income for your entrepreneurship.
There will be 5 training modules in total, integrating theoretical knowledge from the Summary Report. It will also include implementation models of best practices represented by Case Studies and from the farm environment expressed through the E-Atlas. Each training section contains an introduction. Please go through the modules carefully to gain as many skills and as much knowledge as possible. You will find many links in the different parts of the training system, which will lead you to additional information – decide for yourself which information might be the most useful and necessary for you!
The self-assessment questionnaire that is provided with each module will enable you to check what knowledge and competences you have acquired. If the result of the self-assessment is unsatisfying, you can always go through the module again.
It is important to remember to evaluate your farm and your personal business concept deeply by using the excel SWOT analysis included in module 4.