Welcome to the training modules section of the FEAL project.
Before you start checking the existing modules, we would like to give you an overview of all the training modules we have created and a short introduction on how and for what purpose to use them.
Please go through this introduction carefully to gain as many skills and as much knowledge from the modules as possible.
1. The Principles of Multifunctional Agriculture and EAL
This module explains how knowledge concerning landscape values of European agricultural landscapes (EALs) might open new horizons for the establishment of a farm performing different non-agricultural activities, thus implementing multifunctional agriculture. The awareness of landscape quality by farmers and stakeholders aims to tackle the challenges of the European Landscape Convention (CoE, 2000).
Learning objectives
Understanding typology of EALs and attributes that make EALs multifunctional.
Know-how in order to apply multifunctional activities within different EALs.
Recognizing a landscape type – EAL and values of different EALs and their landscape character.
Practising multifunctional farming coinciding with the characteristics of a particular EAL.
Providing adequate maintenance to EALs, preserving EALs values and improving their quality.
The awareness to improve the quality of EALs and maintenance in a sustainable manner, regarding traditional land uses based on the deep ancestral knowledge of the environment and preserving the landscape character.
International context of EALs presented in case studies
EALs presented in case studies
National context of EALs presented in case studies
Advanced multifunctional entrepreneurship based on EALs values
Attractive landscape as a result of multifunctional and sustainable farming and as an asset for the further development of entrepreneurship
Maintenance and preservation of EALs values
Sharing and distribution knowledge on EALs values
2. Entrepreneurial Concepts in the linkage of EAL, Sustainable Farming and Multifunctional Agriculture (MFA)
This module is focused on interactions between farming as a professional activity based on agricultural land management, and landscaping, as a land design associated to agriculture and other rural activities, consciously linked to the knowledge of the territory, its natural capital and landscape heritage.
Learning objectives
to know a large range of activities and services suitable for agri and rural tourism, ecotourism, heritage food tourism and didactic farms
to gain in-depth competence on all kinds of outdoor facilities and services that can be provided by well-structured multifunctional farm planning
to know and practise marketing solutions and commercial offers for ecotourism private clients, groups and tour operators.
to gain overall knowledge and awareness of the traditional heritage of farming, constituting a basis to start successful multifunctional farm activities based on agricultural landscapes
Chapter I – Scheme for Interpretation of Agricultural Landscapes
Chapter II – Cultural Principles Connecting Sustainable Farming and Landscape
Chapter III – Multifunctional Agriculture, Sustainable Land Use and Landscape
Chapter IV – Contributing to Landscape Protection, Conservation and Innovation
3. Business-planning and Successful Implementation
This module will show you the steps for elaborating a clear business plan and give you hints for success, promising its implementation. It deals with formal aspects as well as an entrepreneurial approach for setting up the legal and operational basis for a successful entrepreneurship in the linkage of farming and EAL.
Learning objectives
Understanding of business-planning and its importance for successful entrepreneurship
Clear picture of Business Management
Recognizing changing and challenging situations on the way and dealing with those in an entrepreneurial manner
Recognizing chances and business opportunities in the linkage of farming and EAL
Ability to implement business planning and business management in your enterprise
Awareness for improving/maintaining EAL quality with a successful farming business
Business planning – its need and use for entrepreneurs
Entrepreneurial handling of business planning
Writing a business plan
Main contents of your BUSINESS PLAN
4. SWOT-Analysis: sustainable use of regional specific EAL
This module offers a SWOT methodology to achieve self-knowledge in relation to factors linked to sustainable agriculture, multifunctionality and agricultural landscape. Based on this knowledge, you will be able to develop objectives linked to improve your weaknesses and threats, or to take advantage of your strengths and opportunities.
Learning objectives
Achieve a self-knowledge of those factors linked to sustainable agriculture, multifunctionality and European Agricultural Landscapes.
Develop your capacity for analysis, through a systematic methodology of self-evaluation of factors.
Develop your strategic capacity, trying to take advantage of your current situation to reach a better future.
Ability to define objectives and develop them, until reaching the proposed goals.
Include in any analysis related to your farm aspects related to sustainability, environment, culture and landscape. As relevant factors that offer synergies with your present and potential activities.
Use E-Atlas as e-learning tool about diversity of EALs
Using SWOT analyses for strategic planning
Methodology of Self-Assessment Process
Self Knowledge: Factors for SWOT analysis
Self Knowledge: Questionnaires
General business framework
Landscape and natural environment
Sustainable Farming (respectful handling)
Multifunctionallity (Touristic attraction, potential activities)
How to build your SWOT analysis
Goals settings
Goals achievement
5. Communication Skills, Collaboration/ Cooperation
In this module, we will present factors that support and encourage cooperation, communication skills, the win-win-situations: detecting them and using these situations. For that purpose we will use links to Case Studies, Summary Report and additional matirial where appropriate contents are more detailed presented.
Learning objectives
knowledge about stakeholders involved in setting up operational basis for multifunctional farming for the sustainability of FEAL
insight into the possible fields and forms of collaboration/ cooperation for multifuncional farming for the sustainability of FEAL which leads to win-win situations
ability to consider your own position and options for multifunctional farming for the sustainability of FEAL and possible win-win situations
awareness of options for establishing or improving multifunctional farming for the sustainability of FEAL
awareness of importance of communication and communication skills
awareness of the power of collaboration/cooperation
Stakeholders in setting up operational basis for multifunctional farming for the sustainability of EAL
Communication skills and communication channels
Collaboration and cooperation in multifunctional farming for the sustainability of EAL
Win-win situations in multifunctional farming for the sustainability of EAL
The training modules give you general information about background, concepts and entrepreneurial action in the linkage of farming and EAL, and you will also come across specific aspects and hints for a successful approach.
We recommend that you study the modules intensively and not rush through them. Take your time and maybe go through them several times – again and again if necessary.
Depending on your personal setting and the individual module, you should take at least 60 minutes per module to be able to fully benefit from it.
We have created the training modules so that they can be used all over Europe and so that they can provide as much benefit to the existing variety of learners as possible.
We recommend going through the modules step by step following the given order, as the content is developed from general information to more detailed from module to module.
How to use the training modules:
You can quickly browse through all the modules to gain an overview of the content and then have a second, deeper look at the topics you really need to know.
You can go through all the modules step by step since the content was condensed from the needs assessed at the beginning of the project and, therefore, a broad range of important knowledge is provided. Possibly not everything will be relevant to your specific situation – but maybe it will be in the future.
You can go through the modules on your own or do it in a group and exchange your findings or opinions about the information provided.